Secondary Problems

Students often stay in college longer than originally thought.  

"Nine out of 10 incoming freshmen think they’ll graduate with a bachelor’s degree in four years or less, according to an annual national survey conducted by a research institute at UCLA. But the U.S. Department of Education reports that only 41 percent of them do" (marcus 14). 

Students end up changing their major after realizing they are not pursuing something they love. When they do this, students often have to take different required classes. 

Spending extra money, receiving a degree you have no use for.

“Students spend a lot of money pursuing a degree they won’t use, move somewhere they don't like, or spend a lot of money and collect a lot of debt” (Woehrman 4).

Students find themselves in a financial rabbit hole that is hard to escape and also have a hard time Discovering their true passions and interests. The most expensive degree is one you don't use.