Project Pathway

We're Expanding!

We have new branches of Project Pathway at Woodbury High School and Park high School this year!

Due to rushing and feeling pressured to find a career path, students will pick a major without much research, which can lead to them changing their major in college.

“After they’ve picked a major, a third change their minds at least once, the U.S. Department of Education says, and one in 10 switches majors two or more times” (Marcus 8).

"Students often make quick decisions and become devoted to a career path without first exploring other options" (Atkins 6).

This demonstrates that schools need to provide students with more resources that give them an overview of various majors and careers. Once students have an overview of the many options available, they will be able to make better decisions for their future.

"Quick decisions lead many students to later change their career path because they realize their hasty career decision did not reflect their personality" (Atkins 6).

This proves the issue within school systems is due to the unavailability of resources and peer pressure Students Experience. This makes students prone to jump the gun on life altering decisions without taking into account their personality or interests.