
Scholarship Search

Scholarships are a great way to help pay for college. Below is a list of various local and national scholarships. The deadlines, links, and criteria are provided. Follow the links to learn more about each scholarship and apply.

*Updated 279Online - Scholarship Opportunities

College Scholarships for Black Students

This website offers an overview of scholarships for Black students, including strategies for applying and resources for students.

 Scholarships for LatinX Students

Golden Door Scholars Program: Status doesn’t determine opportunity. Tenacity and hard work do. With our scholarship, undocumented students invest in their education and define their future.

Hispanic Scholarship Fund: empowers Latino families with the knowledge and resources to successfully complete a higher education, while providing scholarships and support services to as many exceptional Hispanic American students as possible. 

MALDEF: supports the next generation of civil rights advocates for the Latino community and offers a Scholarship Resource Guide for high school students.

NAVIGATE MN: is a list of scholarships for undocumented students

Page Education Scholarship: The Page Education Foundation’s programs help to financially support college students’ academic goals while fostering positive mentor relationships and encouraging role models for children.

Affordable Colleges: provides Latinx student with scholarship and financial aid information.

Scholarships for Native american Students

American Indian College: Fund provides scholarships to American Indian and Alaska Native college students enrolled in certificate, undergraduate, or graduate program at tribal colleges and other nonprofit, accredited schools.  

MN Indian Scholarship: provides postsecondary financial assistance to eligible Minnesota resident students who demonstrate financial need for an award. 

Native Forward Scholars Fund: Native Forward has empowered over 22,000 students from over 500 Tribes in all 50 states by providing scholarship dollars and support for services for undergraduate, graduate, and professional degrees. 

Scholarships for Asian American and pacific islander Students

Here are two comprehensive lists for Asian American and Pacific Islander scholarships: University of Minnesota Scholarship Resource list and the Best Colleges Scholarship List

RaiseMe Scholarships

Earn micro-scholarships as early as 9th grade and discover your path to the best college for you.

scholarship search

The resources below will help students find scholarships available at the national level, or provide unique financial supports through creative means.