Staff Resources

Tech Tricks and Tips

Adobe InDesign

InDesign Tutorials from

InDesign Tutorials from - This website has dozens of video tutorials on specific functions of InDesign. It is very comprehensive and should be

a good resource if you are looking for good how-to videos. Most of the videos show a Mac screen, but it shouldn't be much different for us. It is subscription based, so we can't see all the tutorials without a subscription, but there's still a lot there to use.

InDesign Secrets - If you have an InDesign problem or question, this is the place to go!

Adobe Photoshop

Photoshop CC Tutorials from

Photoshop Tutorials from - Just like the InDesign site above, this include video tutorials.

Adobe Lightroom

Mrs. Sorrell's Guide to Keyword Tagging


Canon DSLR simulator

Design Ideas