Summer Reading 2023

The benefits of reading are well documented (we encourage you to read this article about it!)

We highly encourage all of our students to read for 20 minutes a day this summer.  However, when you get back, there will be no quizzes or tests. No projects or deadlines.  It will not affect your term 1 grade.  We want you to read because reading is fun and good for you.  

See Mr. Desmond's letter about summer work this year.

There are many recommended reading lists out there for ideas.  Of course, the absolute best thing to do is visit your town library, talk to a librarian at the circulation desk about what interests you, and get their recommendations.  Nobody knows or loves books better than librarians.

But, if you can't do that, here are a few reading lists pulled from the Reading Middle Grade blog: 

75 Best Books for 6th Graders

70 Best Books for 7th Graders

50 of the Best Books for 8th Graders

....and don't forget about all of these classics!