March Pass

One of the most hotly contested components of National Tournament - the March Pass.  An opportunity to acknowledge our kuia, kaumātua and tournament taonga, promote healthy lifestyles kaupapa (especially auahi kore), announce our arrival and lay down our challenge to other waka!  It's a chance to demonstrate creativity and flair with choreographed moves and chants.  The girls and whānau have lots of fun putting their performance together and always do themselves and our waka proud.

2023 - Title


2022 - Auahi Kore!  Be Smart, Don't Start!

Due to the uncertainty surrounding Covid-19 Protection Framework settings leading in to National Tournament, Waka were requested to submit their National March Pass performances digitally this year.

Aotea March Pass

Aotea Waka e ngunguru nei - hi au, au, auē hā!

Aotea Waka e ngunguru nei - hi au, au, auē hā!  Aotea!!

Be a fighter, be, be a fighter

Put down the lighter, down down the lighter

Be in position, cause we're on a mission

Auahi kore, be smart, don't start

Auahi kore, be smart, don't start

Auahi kore, be smart, don't start

Auahi kore, be smart, don't start

E toru karanga mō taua waka ana hi, ana hi, ana hi hā!!