
In order for a reading and writing workshop model to be successful, students have to be reading lots of BOOKS, BOOKS, BOOKS! They also need to be engaging in multiple modes of writing. From writing about reading, to writing graphic novels, students will need to work on perfecting their craft as readers and writers. All of this work cannot just happen at school, the LOVE of reading has to be practiced at home. This is why students will have a nightly reading log they will need to complete. They should write down the book they read and the number of pages. Students should aim for at least 30 minutes a night. Just like anything, we have to practice to get better. If a book is taking over four weeks to finish, it may not be a good fit. The level may be too hard, too easy, or they may not find it interesting. Check out the student book recommendations for leveled book suggestions. 

Periodically, students will have a nightly assignment, which will be posted here.