Deep Study in Character 

Extra Tips for Choosing New Books When You Feel Stuck 

Think about your reading level. 

Ask yourself: What kinds of books was I reading at the end of last year? What level was I reading easily? Then look for books that look and feel like that, or that are marked with that level. It’s smart to start the year with fast-and-furious reading, which means choosing just-right books. 

Think about authors you’ve loved. 

If you loved Judy Blume, she writes a lot of books at different levels. So do prolific authors such as Suzanne Collins, Matt Christopher, Mike Lupica, Walter Dean Myers, Matt de la Peña, Jacqueline Woodson, and Avi. Look for an author you recognize. Pick up some of his or her books. See if one feels right. 

Think about genres you’ve enjoyed, in books or movies. 

If you love dystopian, check out series like Divergent, Gone, The Maze Runner. If you love thrillers, check out Alex Rider. If you love sci-fi like Star Trek, check out the Artemis Fowl series. If you love romance and tragedy, find anything by John Green. If you like sports stories, try books by Matt Christopher, Chris Crutcher, Mike Lupica, Matt de la Peña. 

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These are our teaching points for the mini lessons students will have during this unit. Our mini lessons begin with a connection, a teaching point, active engagement, a link to the classwork, and a the end of class a share. Students work on practicing the skill taught each day during independent work time. 

MSRUOS_Character_CH_CoursesOfStudyForTeenReaders (1).pdf
A Deep Study of Character

Teaching Slides for a Deep Study in Character