Waldorf Programs

@Antioch University

Opportunities to begin or further your career with Waldorf Education 

and/or practice based on anthroposophical insights. 

The Waldorf Teacher Education program at Antioch University has been aligned with the social justice mission of Antioch for over 40 years!

Features of the Antioch Teacher Education low-residency programs:

More information about our programs below.

Please also take a look at the Summer Residency, Admissions and Financial Aid pages.

Your full-time Waldorf Faculty,

Carla, Alison, Karine, and Torin

Summer 2025 Wilton Residency Dates:

First and Second Year Summer Sequence

Some Synchronous Online Classes DATES TBA

In Person Residency July 12 - July 27

Third Year Summer Sequence and TSHE

July 6 - July 27

Start here for all questions regarding programs, residencies, admissions & more. If you don't find the answers you're looking for, please contact us. 

Explore three opportunities to begin or further your career with Waldorf Education and/or practice based on anthroposophical insights. 

Students in all programs gather for a 2-3 week summer residency. More information about summer residency here. 

Why Waldorf Education?

What does the future of education look like?  Standing on a 100 year foundation, Waldorf Education leads the way in differentiating between building skills and building capacities. When considering what students will need for the future, the curriculum is carefully considered and ever evolving to adapt to the world around us and take into consideration the whole human being. Continue exploring Waldorf Education through the additional resources below

Ready to take the next step?