World Religion Research

Learning Target: I can teach my crew about a World Religion I have researched. I can contribute to my research group presentation. I can be an active listener by asking relevant questions to the presenters.

  1. What do you know now that you didn't before you started your research? learned that Taoism is a religion that started in 500 B.C.E.

2. What advice do you have to someone else who is researching World Religions? I would say to double check all your facts because you might not have finished a question or something might not be spelled correctly.

3. What would you research or add to your presentation that you didn't have time for? I would go more in depth with some of my slides because it makes it more understandable.

4. What proof do you have that you met our learning targets? I think that I met mostly all of them except for asking questions because all of the questions I was wondering about other people had asked them.

Here is the link to my slideshow

Taoism slideshows