Life Science

 Sum of the parts project

LT: I can recognize that everyone contributes to and is responsible for a river’s water quality.

We were given one thousand dollars along with a piece of land to make whatever we wanted. This is my sum of the parts drawing.

Water drop project

LT: I can describe how a water molecule moves through the water cycle. 


 We started out by rolling dice to see what station we would go to for our cycle then we kept rolling the dice until we did a full cycle. For my project I decided to make a book about the water cycle. I wrote my story and drew pictures for it.  

Creature genetics project 

LT: I can design a non-human, imaginary species following simple genetic rules.

This is my first draft. I decided to make different gingerbread men for my species.  

Finale draft 

Punnet squares

Build a beast poster 

LT: I can explain how an animals adaptions are driven by environmental pressures, such as their ecosystem, predators, and resource availability.  

Build a beast essay  

Finale draft

First draft

Board game

Our board game is based off of pictionary. How we changed it is by using things you can find in and around the Boise river. 

Who's Who Project

LT: I can recognize and identify the major species of flora and fauna that depend on the Boise river of life. 

For this project we chose a organism that lives in Idaho and we researched how it depends on the Boise river.