
This is a resource page for upcoming Edtech Team conferences that I am presenting at.

Please come back soon as the page will be updated closer to the conference dates.

Google Tools with Little Learners

Auckland 17 April - Session 7

Whangarei 20 April - Session 8

Check out a few examples of how you might use Google Suite for Education (formerly GAFE - Google Apps for Education) with younger learners (year 1-4). Learn how to create simple resources using Google Slides that you can use in your classroom next term. Get valuable insights into introducing and using tools with younger learners. While this session is aimed at those working with year 1-4 everyone is welcome.

Primary, Leadership Empowered Teachers, Student Agency

Google Tools for Little Learners Resource Page

Google Tools for Little Learners Intro Slide Deck

A World of My Own

Auckland 17 April - Session 5

Whangarei 20 April Session 7

There is a whole world out there just waiting to be explored.. but what if for some reason you can't go exploring? Maybe you're afraid of flying, can't walk for long distances or find the thought of eating something new terrifying. Exploration is still possible. Check out a few virtual reality tools to take you places you never thought possible. Gain a few tips and tricks for using Google expeditions in the classroom and enjoy sharing these with your learners next term. Take a glimpse at other virtual reality tools for creating virtual reality within your classroom.

Primary, Middle, Secondary, Leadership

Empowered Teachers, Student Agency

Virtual Reality Shared Resources

Augmented Reality Shared Resources

Expeditions Android

Expeditions iOS

Demo Slam Whangarei

Boring Trip Photos