Current research projects

Stratification in Colorectal Cancer and Therapy (S-CORT)

Funder: Medical Research Council and Cancer Research UK

S-CORT is a 5 year project that aims to develop novel stratifiers for colorectal cancer based on comprehensive molecular characterisation of clinical trial samples. In total, 2000 of these samples are undergoing targeted amplicon re-sequencing by the McDermott group at the WTSI, RNA arrays at Almac/QUB and epigenetic (methylation) analysis by our laboratory

Understanding the molecular basis and consequences of chemo-radiosensitivity in rectal cancer in order to improve therapy (MOL-RSRC)

Funder: Cancer Research UK

This is a 5 year project that aims to develop organoid model systems, supplemented by cancer associated fibroblast cultures, pre- and post-treatment, in patients undergoing neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy in rectal cancer. These models will be genomically characterised (WGS, RNAseq, epigenetic analysis, TAM-Seq) at multiple stages of development. We will then perform a targeted drug screen and CRISPR to understand novel determinants of chemoradiosensitivity.

Oesophageal Cancer Clinical and Molecular Stratification (OCCAMS)

Funder: Cancer Research UK

This 5 year project, recently renewed is led by Professor Rebecca Fitzgerald at the University of Cambridge. It is part of the International Cancer Genome Consortium and sets out to comprehensively molecularly characterise oesophageal cancer and Barrrett's oesophagus. We are a full member of the consortium and provide our epigenetic analysis services as well as contribute tissue and clinical data.

Liposarcoma Genomics project

This project aims to understand the molecular drivers of retroperitoneal liposarcoma. We have carried out whole genome sequencing, RNA sequencing and methylation analysis on a cohort of retroperitoneal liposarcoma samples. The data is currently undergoing analysis and will be submitted for publication very soon.


In a project led by Nick Loman at the IMI in Birmingham we've helped with the first whole genome sequencing of the platinum reference genome NA12878. You can find the preliminary data here. We're planning to expand our Nanopore work in the coming year to cancer genomes as well as more specialised medical applications.