Organizational Leadership and Vision

Management Structure

The Pittsburgh Public Theater currently operates under 7 departments and senior leadership: Administration and Finance, Development, Education, House Management, Marketing, Production, and Box Office. In order to streamline operations, create transparency, and focus our efforts on what our communities want, our organization will begin to operate under an agile management style.

Under our new management system, departments will be consolidated into teams that will work inter-disciplinarily. Our teams will meet daily, create and post their actionable items in a viewable space, and frequently meet with our stakeholders: board members, community leaders, and our general public.

  • House Management and Box Office will be consolidated into one team: Audience Relations

  • Education, Artistic, and Production will be consolidated into one team: Creative Development

  • Marketing and Development will be consolidated into one team: Community Relations and Engagement

  • Management and Admin & Finance will be consolidated into one team: Organization Support

This new management style will flatten our organizational system and in turn, allow for everyone to work together towards similar goals. To relieve the organization from its hierarchal past, team names are based around community and support. As the AD and ED and are part of Organization Support, it is their job to support their staff, not to dictate. This system requires trust, communication, and cooperation.

Each team is responsible for deciding how they will operate, what goals they set, and how those goals are valued. At the heart of these decisions will be our community. Teams will be required to meet weekly with our stakeholders to not only align their goals but also to receive feedback on their deliverables.

It is our mission to make Pittsburgh Public "Public": For the Public and By the Public. This community-centric organizational structure will ensure that.

Despite creating additional costs, PPT is creating more opportunities for its community and local artists.

Our new initiatives will bring in more audiences, donors, and national attention through our programming.

These additional costs are not without additional savings.

By hiring more local artists and designers, reducing energy and wasteful spending over 5 years, and keeping the same number of Equity actors, we will save more money and be able to shift funds towards our additional programming geared specifically towards our community.

Sustainability Pledge

As we continue to better our organization, the Pittsburgh Public Theater joins Pittsburgh's Urban Redevelopment Authority's Sustainability Pledge to support our communities initiatives of minimizing our impact on the planet.

As a part of this pledge, PPT will make transformative efforts to recycle, reduce energy consumption, conserve water, and advocate to our staff, audiences, and community to minimize the harmful effects on our planet.

See the full pledge here