
Current courses at Tepper

70 -311 Organizational Behavior


The character and quality of our lives are determined by our involvement in organizations and our interactions with a world shaped and affected by organizations. As you pursue your career, you will inevitably depend on people to accomplish organizational goals; you will need to work for bosses, work with colleagues, and manage employees. Your ability to do well depends on having an understanding of the human side of management. 

This course introduces insights and tools from the behavioral and social sciences that will improve your ability to think and act strategically in these situations. We will survey several topics that are related to managing oneself and others in organizations including decision-making, motivation, leadership, power, influence, teamwork, and networks.  Throughout, you will be asked to demonstrate your knowledge of these concepts by using them to analyze organizational situations, providing prescriptions for change, and practicing them in-class exercises. 

70-341 & 88-341 Team Dynamics and Leadership


Organizations have greatly expanded their use of teams to accomplish a wide variety of objectives. Teams develop new products, provide professional services, and start new businesses. Temporary teams are frequently assembled for purposes such as making difficult decisions, solving cross-functional problems, and generating ideas. Advances in communication technology have created the potential for people who are dispersed across the globe to collaborate virtually, creating many new opportunities and challenges for leaders of these teams. This course will provide you with the knowledge and skills to communicate and work in teams and to lead them effectively. The focus of the course is on providing you with a broad understanding of the way communication, team processes, and leadership operates within teams and organizations. Sources of problems based on team communication and work processes, and how to overcome them will be identified. Common leadership mistakes as well as how to be an effective leader will be addressed. Readings come from both the research and managerial literature. Exercises, cases, and projects give you an opportunity to apply what you are learning.

Previous courses

Heinz College -  Performance Management

Course Description

For managers across organizations, managing and developing people are key issues for successful performance. The present course has been designed to develop a manager’s skills such as facilitating subordinates’ performance and learning, providing incentives and rewards, as well as managing cultures, and leading teams. Our focus is on improving your skills to develop other people and manage the expectations of stakeholders, i.e. organization, subordinates, co-workers, and clients. Topics incorporate issues and practices from different types of organizations and work environments. 

Heinz College - Coaching, Training, and Employee Development

 Course Description

Organizations increasingly rely on human capital to gain a competitive advantage. Specialized knowledge and skills are difficult to find and a skilled workforce is difficult for competitors to imitate. Learning initiatives are vital to employee retention and the proper execution of business strategy. This course focuses on a range of learning initiatives from training and coaching to development and knowledge management. Topics covered include coaching skills, team and one-on-one coaching, training, executive coaching, and promoting a learning organization and culture.

Invited talks

2021 KeyNote Speaker - Idiosyncratic Deals Methodological and Theoretical Development Meeting, Edinburgh, Scotland.

2021 Invited talk on Employment relationships in algorithmic management: A psychological contract perspective (and what else can we learn about AI and psychological contracts?) -Digital Business's Research Seminar Series (Dublin City University) , Dublin, Ireland. 

2015 Invited talk on The Aftermath of Psychological Contract Violation. Department of Psychology, Vrije Universiteit, Brussels, Belgium.

2015 Seminar on Experiments with Physiological Sensors. Target group: Faculty and PhD students, Human-Machine Interaction Institute, CMU, USA.

2014 Seminar on Quantitative Diary Studies in Organizational Research. Target group: Faculty and PhD students. Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland.