Remote Thermostat Controller

Nnenna Nwaigwe


A large rectangular wooden box with a blue rectangular LCD display which reads "Temperature: 50 degrees Fahrenheit" and small circular knob protruding from it (top middle), mess of multi-colored wires (middle), small black rectangular servo motor with a fin attachment (bottom left), and another small rectangular LCD display that reads "Temperature: 50 degrees Fahrenheit" (bottom right).

Final (Incomplete) Remote Thermostat Controller

Project Summary: For this project I attempted to create a device that could fit around my dorm room's existing analog thermostat and adjust its temperature setting based on a temperature input sent to it by a remote.

Remote Transmitter (Front View)

Remote Transmitter (Back View)

Remote Transmitter (Interior)

Remote Transmitter In Use

Thermostat Adjuster (Top View)


In the video, I flip the remote power switch to ON and begin to rotate its temperature knob to the right to increase it's temperature setting. I then press down on the temperature knob to send this temperature input to a servo motor, which rotates to an angle between 0° and 180° depending on this temperature input. Similarly, I rotate another temperature knob that is directly attached to the servo motor left to increase the temperature setting and press down on the knob to send this temperature input to the servo motor.


First radio transmission!

First (and Only) iteration of Remote Thermostat before construction of final prototype.

Testing final prototype circuitry with Arduino Pro Micro.

Final Thermostat Receiver using original Arduino microcontroller due to issues with the Arduino Pro Micro.

Ideation Process:


words words words

Technical Information

Block Diagram

Remote Transmitter Schematic

Thermostat Receiver Schematic


Remote Transmitter Code


* Transmitter example code used written by

* Dejan Nedelkovski,


* Library: TMRh20/RF24,


#include <SPI.h>

#include <nRF24L01.h>

#include <RF24.h>

#include <ezButton.h>

#include <Encoder.h>

#include <Wire.h>

#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>

//Power Switch

ezButton powerSwitch(6);

const int SWITCHPIN = 6;


Encoder remoteEnc(3, 2);

int lastTemp;

int temp;

const int BUTTONPIN = 5;


RF24 remote(7, 8);  // CE, CSN

const byte address[6] = "THERM";


const int LCDTIMER = 200;


LiquidCrystal_I2C screen(0x27, 16, 2);

//Custom Characters

byte Thermometer[8] = {










void setup() {


  //Power Switch Setup


  //Remote Setup






   //LCD Display Setup

  screen.begin(16, 2);





  screen.createChar(0, Thermometer);


void loop() {


  int switchState = !(powerSwitch.getState());

  if (switchState == 1) {

    int buttonState = !(digitalRead(BUTTONPIN));

    if ( > 90) {


    } else if ( < 50) {



    int temp =;

    if (temp != lastTemp) {

      lastTemp = temp;


    Serial.print("Temperature: ");


    if (buttonState == 1) {

      remote.write(&temp, sizeof(temp));


    if ((millis() - NEXTTIMETORUN) >= LCDTIMER) {


      screen.setCursor(0, 0);


      screen.setCursor(0, 1);








Remote Receiver


* Receiver example code used written by

* Dejan Nedelkovski,


* Library: TMRh20/RF24,


#include <SPI.h>

#include <nRF24L01.h>

#include <RF24.h>

#include <Servo.h>

#include <Encoder.h>

#include <Wire.h>

#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>


RF24 thermo(7, 8);  // CE, CSN

const byte address[6] = "THERM";

int remoteTemp;


const int MOTORPIN = 6;

Servo motor;


Encoder wallEnc(3, 2);

int lastWallTemp;

int temp;

const int BUTTONPIN = 5;


const int LCDTIMER = 200;


LiquidCrystal_I2C screen(0x27, 16, 2);

//Custom Characters

byte Thermometer[8] = {










byte Smiley[8] = {










void setup() {


  //LCD Display Setup

  screen.begin(16, 2);





  screen.createChar(0, Thermometer);

  screen.createChar(1, Smiley);

  //Servo Motor Setup


  //Thermostat Wall Mount Setup


  thermo.openReadingPipe(1, address);




void loop() {

  //Check to see if you can read messages from remote

  if (thermo.available()) {, sizeof(remoteTemp));

    int newTemp = map(remoteTemp, 50, 90, 0, 180);



  //Read wall encoder position

  if ( > 90) {


  } else if ( < 50) {



  int wallTemp =;

  if (wallTemp != lastWallTemp) {

    lastWallTemp = wallTemp;


  //Check if wall encoder button is pressed

  int buttonState = !(digitalRead(BUTTONPIN));

  if (buttonState == 1) {

    int newTemp = map(wallTemp, 50, 90, 0, 180);



  if ((millis() - NEXTTIMETORUN) >= LCDTIMER) {

    screen.setCursor(0, 0);


    screen.setCursor(0, 1);





