What is SBIRT in Schools?

SBIRT is a proactive approach to having conversations about substance use. The SBIRT approach is:

Rita Casper MBA, NCSN RN


January 26, 2024


Dear Parents/Guardians

As your child’s caregiver, we know that you desire the best resources for your child and the young people in our community. Andover’s Youth Risk Behavior Survey consistently demonstrates that a small number of our students try alcohol, marijuana and other drugs, and by the end of high school, many more students report substance use.

In order to help prevent students from starting to use substances, or intervene with early use, APS nursing, counselors and social workers will be providing an interview based screening for all 9th grade students about the use of alcohol, marijuana and other drugs. The screening utilizes the CRAFFT 2.1+n tool.  Student screening sessions will be brief (approximately 5 minutes) and conducted confidentially, in private one-on-one sessions by the school nurse, counselor or social worker. Students who are not using substances will have their healthy choices reinforced by the screener. The screener will provide brief feedback to any student who reports using substances, or is at risk for future substance use. If needed, the student will be referred to our counseling staff for further evaluation. Results of the screening will not be included in your child’s school record, nor will results be shared with ANYONE other than the SBIRT (Screening, Brief Intervention, Referral for Treatment) team. All students will receive some educational information at the time of the screening.

As with any school screening, you have the right to opt your child out of this screening. Please contact Rita Casper, District Coordinator for Nursing Services, via email rita.casper@andoverma.us   if you wish to exclude your child from this screening by Monday February 5th 2024. Screenings will be conducted during your child’s health education class week of February 12th 2024. 

One way to prevent youth substance abuse is to talk with your child about your family’s thoughts and expectations regarding substance use. Research shows that parents’ influence is the #1 reason young people decide not to drink alcohol.

The following website may be of use in helping you as you discuss these topics with your child(ren)



 Rita Casper MBA, RN, NCSN

Family Resources:


Substance Abuse Prevention for Caregivers:

MA Substance Use Helpline for Caregivers & Professionals:

Talk. They hear you. campaign resources for Caregivers:

Partnership to End Addiction:

Drug Guide for Caregivers: Learn the facts to keep your teen safe