Grading and Materials


Grading is broken into 2 categories: Major Grades (60% of the grade) and Minor Grades (40% of the grade). Major Grades include singing tests, projects, monthly practice logs, and concerts. Minor grades will include smaller in-class assignments, homework, content quizzes and weekly participation grades.

Any grade not turned in on or before the due date will receive an automatic 0% in PowerSchool; however, students are able to make-up grades with no repercussions to their grades. Along with the 0%, students who have not turned in late work will receive lunch detention every day that it is not turned in. 3 lunch detentions in a row will result in a discipline referral for "Refusal to Work."

Grading Schedule

Major Grades

Tests will be on Thursdays and will typically be scheduled as followed:

1st week Singing Test (one of our pieces)

2nd Week Sight Singing Test or Content Quiz

3rd Week Singing Test (one of our pieces)

4th Week Monthly Practice Logs Due

For each Singing Test, students will record yourself singing the piece with their Chromebook or another device. They will then upload the recording into Google Classroom to be graded after the due date. On the due date, students will have the opportunity to record with the class. Any student who has not uploaded their video by class-time on the due date will be required to record in class whether or not they use that take for the final grade. This ensures everyone has the opportunity to record.

We will have 1 big Project Grade per quarter that will also count as a Major Grade.

Our First big project is a Poem/Songwriting Project due on 09/29.

Concerts will count at 2 Major Grades. Students are expected to be perform at all planned concerts. There might also be optional concerts that give extra credit.

Starting in September, you will be required to complete a practice log which will be checked monthly.

Each week is 25 points

6th – 25 minutes a week (1 minute = 1 point)

7th – 50 minutes a week (2 minutes = 1 point)

8th – 75 minutes a week (3 minutes = 1 point)

Minor Grades

On 2-3 days of the week, we will have a Question of the Day, or QotD. The QotD is designed to make you think about music. Usually there is not one specific right answer to the question. We will sometimes reflect on a quote, evaluate a performance recording, or discuss an idea about music. Be ready to take time and think about your answer and write in complete sentences (unless the QotD says that you do not have to). Each QotD will count as a separate Minor Grade (a change from last year). As long as you follow the directions and answer all parts of the question, you should be able to do well in this section.

Quizzes will be announced beforehand to give you time to study. These will count as 2 Minor Grades.

Participation will be graded each week, where each day students will be able to earn 25 points. Since Chorus meets 4 days a week, at the end of the week students will have earned a maximum of 100 points. Students lose points by actively not participating, sleeping, not preparing for classwork, etc.

Missing Work

Any grade not turned in on or before the due date will receive an automatic 0% in PowerSchool; however, students are able to make-up most grades with no repercussions to their grades. Along with the 0%, students who have not turned in late work will receive lunch detention every day that it is not turned in. 3 lunch detentions in a row will result in a discipline referral for "Refusal to Work."


Students are expected to come prepared for class each day. This includes their music (if they take it home), their chromebooks, and a pencil.

This year, we will primarily be using physical music. If students want to take their music home to practice, you are more than welcome to. Just make sure that you bring it back to class each day. Mr. Benitez will also be posting digital versions of the music on Google Classroom throughout the year.