1st  Grade

Computer Class

Ms. Michie ComputerTeacher Conference Sign-Up 2023-2024

August 7-11, 2023

Welcome to the big school!!!

I am so happy to have you as my students. 

This week we will: 

Week 2 August 14-25, 2023

This week students will start learning how to log in to their chrome books with their emails. It will be a slow transition because this is new for them. 

Getting students signed into their device can be one of the biggest barriers to using technology in the classroom. It can also waste a tremendous amount of class time.  

I will provide a card with their email and password so they can use it the first month of school. 

If you need to contact me: Send an email, I will try to answer back as soon as I can. 

Email: mcorrales@amschool.org


During this month, students will be learning about Online Safety and Coding. 


