RMA Spring 2014 Newsletter

Spring 2014

Rocky Mountain Atelier Newsletter

Rocky Mountain Newsletter for Spring 2014

The Grand Master of the TMO will conduct an official visit to the Atelier on July 24, 2014

With great pleasure the Rocky Mountain Atelier (RMA) of the Traditional Martinist Order (TMO) welcomed three new Associates on January 11, 2014. Because this is the start of a new cycle, the schedule has been revised to accommodate another Associate Initiation to be held April 12, 2014. The requirement for initiation is a current membership receipt in AMORC, a current dues receipt for TMO and a completed Application for Temple Initiation. Dues receipts are available on line as well as the Application for Temple Initiation. RMA dues are $21 per quarter and a $5 initiation fee will be collected at the time of imitation.

Initiate and S.I. initiations along with corresponding conventicles were also held in January. The Grand Heptad in San Jose granted RMA authority to confer Initiate and S.I. initiations. Before this authority was granted, members desiring these initiations were required to travel large distances to obtain them. It will be December 2015 before the RMA will offer these initiations again. Initiate and S.I . conventicles are planned for the intensive weekends for years 2014 and 2015.

The schedule for the intensive weekends has been revised in order to resolve any conflict with the AMORC 2014 convention held in July. The intensive weekend after April is scheduled for June 7-8, 2014. October 11-12 is the last intensive weekend scheduled for 2014. The December activity schedule is yet to be determined.

The Grand Master of the TMO will conduct an official visit to the Atelier on July 24, 2014, in conjunction with the 2014 Rosicrucian Convention to be held in Denver the last weekend in July. This conventicle will be held at 7:00 PM at the RMA temple located at:

7100 Broadway,Unit 3-J

Denver, CO 80221.

To attend the conventicle associated with the convention, current dues receipts will be required. S.I. and C.U.P. members should bring their collars. Associate and Initiate class collars will be provided. We hope to see many of our members at the Grand Master’s Official Visit. The web site to sign up for the Colorado Regional Convention click here. If registered before March3, 2014, the cost is only $97. Please indicate if you plan to attend the TMO conventicle. If you have other questions, e-mail: Colorado@amorc.rosicrucian.org or phone: (720) 579-5257.

TMO Provincial Master’s Message Spring 2014

Greetings Brothers and Sisters, Fraters and Sorores.

Life is, by design, full of challenges and upsets. It is, after all, the one place where we can gain the experiences that wake us up to our true nature and allows us to expand our conception of who we are and our relationship to each other and Divinity. These are all very fine words but may seem like “pie in the sky” to many because there is a disconnect between what we know to be true and how we approach life. These words are nice to see but what do we do with them?

I have developed a tool over my decades as a seeker of truth that helps put life’s events into a perspective that helps it all make sense. That tool is to always think in terms of Eternity and Infinity. Words are so limiting in defining concepts so let me expand on this tool.

As we go through life we accumulate experiences and understand them, act, and react according to our mind “filter”. Our mind interprets and processes these events according to its previous experience including interpretations gleaned from parents, friends, spiritual leaders, teachers, etc. I’m sure you will agree that not all these sources can be accurate. So our reaction to life is usually constructed from very limited and perhaps erroneous information. In pursuing your quest for mystical knowledge and truth you are “correcting” the programming provided by your previous teachers and are learning the truth about your existence. You are expanding your horizons to incorporate a much larger conception of the universe and your true nature. As this continues, your horizons extend to infinity and eternity. This is a slow process and we have a large degree of resistance to changing our mode of operation in life. Only time and willingness will accelerate its progress.

So I would offer this tool to all of you. When challenges, difficulties, and limitations present themselves, and when gifts, joyful events, and blessings, occur in your daily life, don’t think of them in the old, limited, way. Take a step back and think of them in terms of the larger picture. How do they fit into the Divine plan of your life? Do you see Karma involved? Can you appreciate the Divine Love behind these events, the actual gift? Expand your understanding and experience of these events to incorporate what you have learned as a mystic. See them all as part of the Infinite and Eternal plan of your existence and the existence of all humankind. The potential resistance to the negative events and the potential unappreciative response to the positive will fall away and you will, indeed, begin to interpret life in terms of Infinity and Eternity.

May you ever dwell in the Eternal Light of Divine Wisdom!

David Schloegel, F.R.C.

Provincial Master, TMO