MRP Spring 2014 Newsletter

Spring 2014

Mountain Rose Pronaos Newsletter

Incoming Master's Message

I am honored to be chosen to serve as master of the Mountain Rose Pronaos for the year 3367. I will endeavor to help steer the pronaos well during the year, with the help of all the members. The pronaos is the result of the participation and efforts of all it's members. I will be looking for the input of members and trying to make the pronaos serve them. Members can help by serving on committees and just by participating in the activities. I am relatively new to this pronaos so I will be relying on the help of those of you who have been around for some time.

Since few members know much about me, I will explain that I was born and raised in Greeley, then, after serving 4 years in the U.S. Navy, I came back to CO and earned my BA (with a major in Asian studies) at CU in Boulder. While in Boulder I joined the Order in 1965 and became a member of the Rocky Mountain Chapter in Denver where I served as Inner Guardian for a year. I then went to the Univ. of Indiana and earned a Master of Library Science, following which I took a position as an analyst in an agency within the U.S. Dept of Defense and settled in Maryland for the ensuing 40 years. In Maryland I was active in Rosicrucian affiliated bodies in MD and DC, serving in numerous ritualistic and administrative positions, including the Washington, D.C. Heptad of the TMO. After retiring in 2010, I fulfilled a long-held desire and returned to CO. I hope that my long experience in the Order and in AB's will be of use in my service here at MRP.

With all good wishes for peace profound,

Bill Bacher,


Mountain Rose Pronaos

Outgoing Master’s Message

Greetings Fratres and Sorores!

This is the last time I will address you as your Master in the Newsletter. I wish to relay to you the how awesome it has been to serve you and the Mountain Rose Pronaos as your Master through these past two years – which has brought the Temple and Pronaos rooms to completion with all of your help and support through this time. I will be with all of you in this coming year, but I will now be seated among you and a new Light will stand in the East. I am leaving the office of Master in very good hands – Fr Bill Bacher will be an outstanding Master for our Pronaos. I give him all of my support in his furtherance of the path Mountain Rose Pronaos will travel in the coming year. Thank you for the opportunity to serve these past two years!

Peace Profound


Book Salon

Mountain Rose Salon meets on the first Sunday of each month, at 1:30 PM. Come join us even if you haven't read the book. Sincerely, Sr. Irene Hallett, Salon Mystress. Books must be available through media, online, libraries, or used book stores to be considered for MRP Salon.

Here are the books selected for March-August 2014.

MRP Event Schedule:

April 26—Saturday 10:00am

10:00am Adopt-a-Road Clean-up—Boulder County, CO. Weather Permitting. Volunteers will be notified the night before if the weather is questionable. Contact Soror Irene Hallett:, for time and location

June 28—Saturday

11:00am Peace Ceremony followed by pot-luck lunch at Twin Lakes Park (open to the public)

1:00pm Workshop with Dave Schloegel at Mountain Rose Pronaos. (open to the public)