

Post-pandemic and school closures, virtual meetings have helped with flexibility of the different service providers, such as speech therapists and behavior specialists, who have to serve multiple campuses. So, our district is using videoconferencing IEPs through mediums such as Zoom and Google Meets!

However, if you would like to have an in-person meeting with the team, please let Mr. Tan know at least two to three weeks ahead of time so that we can schedule for use of the school's conference room.

How to use the Zoom Video!

If you are viewing this page, you have been invited to participate in a #VirtuaIEP meeting through the Zoom Conference interface for your child or student.

To promote security and safety, I will send the Meeting code and URL login one hour before the start of the meeting. Every meeting will have their own unique Meeting number.

How to Join Zoom with a Cell Phone

If you are planning to join a Zoom meeting or a class through a cell phone, please download the ZOOM CLOUD MEETINGS app on your iPhone or Android.

How to Join Zoom with a Laptop or Desktop

If you are planning to join a Zoom meeting or class through a desktop, please visit www.zoom.us and click "Join a Meeting"