Flexible Seating

What is Flexible Seating?

Flexible seating (sometimes called alternative seating) is a more relaxed seating concept in classrooms. Our Spanish and Yearbook classroom is made up of about 50% traditional table and desk seating and 50% seating options such as: rugs, pillows, a low table with yoga ball seating, two cafe-height tables with stools, a standing desk, ottomans, and cozy chairs.

The idea behind flexible seating is two-fold:

  • Students learn to be responsible for their behavior and treatment of their classroom environment in order to have the privilege of sitting where they are most comfortable and learn best
  • Students learn to be self-aware and learn how to analyze what helps them focus and learn best. Students in a flexible seating classroom must sit in a seat where they work and learn best.

How is this going to work?

Students will be given a punch card on the first day of school so that they can keep track of the different seating options they try. Students must try at least 4 of the 7 different types of seating in our room withing the first 10 days of school so that:

  • They can determine which 2-3 seats will work best for them
  • They can learn the expectations for all different types of seating.

Students will also be asked to sign and date a contract saying that they understand the expectations for the use of flexible seating. Our posted classroom rules are:

  • Choose a working spot that helps you do your best.
  • Use seats appropriately (Don't distract yourself or others with your movements).
  • If a spot is not working for you, move to a better spot.
  • Take good care of supplies and seating areas.
  • Sit in your home seat when there is a substitute.
  • Señora Vélez can move anyone at anytime.