

All new students must submit a complete application package to receive consideration for a scholarship or grant. For academic students, all blanks on the application form must be filled in and all required materials must be postmarked by the deadline of June 1st for one award per year.. For vocational students, all blanks must be filled in. Vocational students may apply at any time throughout the year for one grant per year. A complete application package for new applicants consists of:

·         Proof of Eligibility: All Alaska Natives enrolled in the Alutiiq Tribe of Old Harbor, direct or legally adopted, are eligible for this award. You must include the ATOH enrollment number that entitles you as a tribal member. 

·         Application Form: A completed, signed, and dated scholarship application.

·         Essay (300-600 words): Your essay (letter of application) must be worded in the form of a Thank You Letter and should include: Your personal and family history, community involvement, volunteer activities, educational goals, and life goals. 

View and follow the rest of the instructions in the application found in this link below 

Submit at Tribal Office or Scan and Email completed application to Tribal Administrator with the Subject of Email being - (Year) Scholarship Application.

Scholarship Application.docx

Question on application pending?

Scholarship Contact

Alutiiq Tribe of Old Harbor

Tribal Administrator                                                                                                                                       

(907) 286-2215