13th Gymnasium of Heraklion

13th Gymnasium of Heraklion is a public general secondary school for students aged 13-15 years old. 

The 13th Gymnasium of Heraklion constitutes one of the largest junior High Schools of our city, since 420 students approximately study in it divided in three grades. There are 40 teachers and 5 teachers of special education for students with learning difficulties as well as 2 teachers who have taken over the responsibility of assisting the main teacher in case of parallel teaching in the classroom.

 Apart from the main body of the disciplines various environmental and cultural projects are carried out every year in our school such as projects for the respect of diversity issue, etwinning projects, health and education activities, meetings for job orientation and car accidents, focusing, in this way, on the development of transversal skills and communicative competences of all the students.