Rare Species.

Carnivorous plants

What is the importance of carnivorous plants? How are they fed? What is their natural habitat? How can we breed them in a home environment?

Mrs. Ana Samardžić, MA biologist has run a workshop dealing with these issues and talking about heterotrophic nutrition. Students from the Serbian school Osnovna Ŝkola Sveti Sava  have attended the presentation “live” and have had the opportunity of feeding the plants with dried larvae. The other schools have followed the workshop online via MEET. All of them have asked questions and have had a discussion with the lecturer.

After the presentation students have explored the rare species that can be found in their country  creating a digital brochure and sharing the results, thus developing awareness of the  natural diversity of all partner countries.

After the presentation students have explored the rare species that can be found in their country  creating a digital brochure and sharing the results, thus developing awareness of the  natural diversity of all partner countries.

Rare Species 

Carnivorous plants

Mrs. Ana Samardžić

MA biologist







