Fun Weekly Video

A fun video will be posted every week. Be sure to check out the list of books you can check out if our video interests you.

How Crayons are Made

January 12th - This week in library we are reading the Beehive Book Nominee, "The Crayon Man, The True Story of the Invention of Crayola Crayons" by, Natascha Biebow. This is one of my favorite Beehive Nominee's this year. It's been so fun to read it to our classes and learn how something they use daily was created. You know when the Kiva is silent that it's a good book!

Christmas Fun Facts

Have you ever wondered how many people in the world celebrate Christmas or when Christmas was declared a holiday? Watch our Fun Friday Video and quiz your family about Christmas while your on break. Merry Christmas Dry Creek!

Veteran's Day

What is Veteran's Day and why do we celebrate it? Veteran's are superheroes in my eyes. My dad is a Veteran and his service to our country means so much to me. Check out our video to learn more about our Vets and the service they provide to our country.