The Owl's Roost

"Reading is Magic"

An owl's resting place is called a roost. While most owls roost alone, some share roosting areas with other owls of the same species. Owls may benefit in one or more ways from sharing the same roost. It is said that owls who roost together pass along information to each other. Lets be like owls and pass along great information about reading resources, great books, read alouds, book starts and more.

Follow us on Instagram at @the_owls_roost for the latest book reviews, book starts, story time, and other resources.

Details for our library reading challenge.

Watch fun videos and follow it up with checking out a book that goes with it.

Don't know what to read next? Listen to the first chapter of a book and see if one catches your interest.

Join story time with Mrs. Scott as we read fun and enjoyable picture books.