
Hello Artists!!

I'm so glad you are working on Art while at home. The best thing about art is that it is for EVERYONE and you can use just about anything to create cool art.

You can download and print pages from this site, or find other cool stuff online (or around your house) to create. I will be posting videos and links to project options. You don't need to complete everything I post! I will share a lot of ideas to help spark your imagination but if you create your own project- even better!

As you finish projects, your parents can send a picture to me and I will post it for everyone to see! I hope we have a gallery of cool pictures for the whole school to enjoy. Have FUN!!

Here's some videos and instructions for our current art projects.

Here are some quick projects for you! You don't need to do all of these, just pick the ones that look interesting to you.

(YouTube links won't work on certain devices, sorry friends! You can search for these by the title, with parent permission, if the link doesn't work.)