The Moon is an incredible feature the earth has been gifted. This week is a great week to see what it is offering us!

Go outside in the evenings and watch the stars and the moon. See if you can see any changes as the week days go by and make a drawing of them.


Mrs. Thurgood

BEauty in the Night sky

Moon Phases

Have you ever looked at the sky and wondered what the stars could mean?

Print out this chart and see what you can find! It is like a word search but for the stars.

Star light, Star Bright, Make a wish tonight!


Here are some fun color pages to print!

We are so lucky to live in a time where we have so much information about the world around us. yet, we still have so much to learn and so much to discover!!!

Dear families,

There is going to be a special live science show done by someone named Mystery Doug next Thursday, May 21st. He's a science educator kids love. Will you please help your child watch this? All you need to do is open this website link:

The show will be about 20 minutes long and will start at:

10am Pacific / 11am Mountain / 12pm Central / 1pm Eastern

Thursday, May 21

Add to your calendar with a click:

P.S. Can’t make it live? View the recording at after the event. This show will be all about SPACE–including a special video cameo by astronaut Jessica Meir, who answered real student questions Doug sent to her while she was aboard the International Space Station!