Prewriting Strokes
Pre-Writing Songs
Use these songs repetitiously to teach your young child how to draw pre-writing lines and shapes - The building blocks of letters!
*Prewriting strokes are designed to help students improve various skills needed to become productive writers. They are incremental and practice you can do with your child to prepare them for writing letters, numbers, and words.
*Below are some links that have great information about helping children with developing these and other fine motor skills:

NEW!!! Easter Egg Pre-Writing Story
Success with prewriting often starts with a multi sensory approach to practice building prewriting lines with materials already at home. For example, have your child draw lines and circles using their finger in shaving cream, salt, dirt. etc. by imitating or copying the lines you make.
Sample of prewriting practice you can do with your child

A 2nd Prewriting Sample
This resource is to be used for students who are not yet writing letters, but developing the foundational skills in preparation for writing letters. The adult traces the sample in the top box, and the child imitates it in the bottom box. There are 2 rows so each printed page can be used twice.

Pre-Writing Trail Trace 1
This helps with basic pre-writing lines & shapes

Pre-Writing Trail Trace 2
This helps with more advanced prewriting lines & shapes.