Hear from other educators about their experience

getting the COVID vaccine:

Early childhood educator Carol Wong, director of Chinatown Learning Center in Philadelphia, tells why she got her COVID-19 vaccination and encourages others to get vaccinated too.

DC Teacher of the Year Alejandro Diasgranadas tells why he got his COVID-19 vaccination and encourages others to get vaccinated, too.

Utah Teacher of the Year John Arthur tells why he got his COVID-19 vaccination and encourages others to get vaccinated, too.

Real Talk COVID-19 Vaccine Myths and Facts

Looking for more information about the vaccine? Hear from local experts in Connecticut about the vaccine. Presented by: the CT chapter of the National Association of Health Services Executives.

Video time: 55 minutes ; Recorded from event on 1/12/2021

COVID Vaccines & FCC programs

lunch conversations

On March 18th, All Our Kin hosted a lunchtime discussion to learn about the COVID vaccines. AOK's Early Head Start Health Services Coordinator Dariana Francisco talked to Dr. Amed Logroño from the Yale School of Medicine about how the vaccine was developed, how it works, what the health benefits and possible risks are, and what the vaccination could mean for your child care program.