Where to Get the Vaccine CT

The Community Health Center, Inc. is deeply grateful for the work that you do by providing healthy, safe and supportive learning environments for the youngest members of our communities. The pandemic has been tough on all of us, but you have preserved and provided space for children to thrive and the opportunity for parents to go to work.

In recognition of the expansion of eligibility criteria as of March 1st to include early childhood educators, CHC would like to offer you a direct way to schedule your Covid-19 vaccination at one of our mass vaccination sites, which are located in East Hartford, Stamford, Danbury and Middletown. We have created a dedicated registration link in partnership with the United Way’s 211 service. By clicking on the link below, you will be able to register for a vaccine in appointments we have allocated just for early childhood educators on Saturdays and Sundays.

Please click this link to register: https://covid.ctunitedway.org/childcare/

You will be asked to attest that you live and/or work in Connecticut and are an early childhood educator. You will also be asked to attest that you live and/or work in one of the zip codes that have been identified by the state as a priority area for creating access to the vaccine.

For additional Information in your area