The schedule below will run for the duration of the program, excluding scheduled breaks and national holidays.

Monday-Friday - In the field!

Saturday-Sunday- Time off for rest


This is a tentative schedule. Physical distancing practices will be implemented, which require rotations around meals and meeting and will inevitably alter this schedule.

6:45 am: Eat breakfast, wash your dishes and get ready!

7:20 am: Boots on, lunch packed, ready to leave for work

12pm: Lunch

1 pm-5:45 pm: Work and clean up

6 pm: Evening meeting

6:30 pm: Dinner

10:00 pm: Lights out and Curfew! All volunteers and staff must be on base–no exceptions


You will be joining during the Holiday period, this means we will take additional time out of the field. We are currently due to observe the following holidays:

Memorial Day May 31st, 2021

You are welcome to leave the base for any scheduled holidays, however, we ask that you minimize all non-essential travel and do not travel home unless you need to.


At the end of week four, the whole team will take a mandatory three-day break for mental and physical rest. You are welcome to leave the base to take a break from communal living, or you are welcome to stay in our accommodation on base. We will provide you with a $200 stipend at the end of week four to cover any costs associated with your break.

During your break, we ask that you minimize close physical contact with anyone outside of your bubble. If you are infected with COVID-19 during your break it could be detrimental to the work we are doing. Please take a look at slides 12-13 in the practical guide for guidance around staying safe in the community during breaks.

The tentative break schedule is June 13th-16th. Please do not schedlue any plans for break until exact break dates are confirmed.