Allen County-Scottsville High School
Library Media Center

Welcome Patriots!

Welcome to the ACS virtual library site! Due to the limited in-person interactions, I hope you'll find these resources valuable. Once allowed, please stop by to have a social distance chat with me in the library when you need help with technology, research, books, or media.


We will be the “hub” of the school by giving students access to vast, variety of information and creating a lifelong love of learning.


The purpose of the library media center is to have an aligned vision and mission statement to our school vision and mission statement. These are reviewed annually to insure they are current and meet the school’s needs. Our LMC does an excellent job of supporting the needs of our school to meet these visions and goals. The LMC mission is designed to be the center of communication, collaboration, and information.

Questions & Answers:

How are the library books disinfected?

  • Books returned are left untouched for 24 hours before handling them.

  • Patriots are encouraged to wash their hands thoroughly before and after handling books.

  • When possible, materials with plastic coatings/covers, are wiped down with disinfectant.

How can I get a print book?

If you have limited access to Internet or a digital device, books can be requested and sent out in a similar way to meal or packet pick-ups/distribution.