The new gas station
By : Mona
In August, 1885, in America, Sylvanus Bowser an American inventor came up with the first petrol machine in order to increase petrol and save transportation. He named it the self-measuring gas pump. Although an American scientist called Morgen, who improved the self- measuring gas pump in 1998.
Morgen always say that he took 4 months to built the gas station and to have an easy way to transfer petrol.
The new gas station
Morgen was in his bedroom and he saw that the self-measuring gas pump is too old so he decided to improve it to another machine. Next day he was siting in a garden he saw kids buying ice cream from an ice cream car, he said,” why don’t he add restaurants to the gas station to update the features to people”. And indeed he built it!
The self- measuring gas pump