There are types of Tesla car that you say to it the distention and it moves by its self that is so wow and if you want to sleep you can sleep and take your time in sleeping

By : Eyad

July 2003 Martin Eberhard started to do the Tesla car in Fermont California he said to himself i can do this car with electric instead of fuel gas

Martin Electric cars made perfect sense to Eberhard, an electrical engineer who has spent his career in the innovative stew of Silicon Valley. He re-invented the electric car, making it highly desirable, even if not affordable to all.

take care from transportation

Tesla is an American electric vehicle and clean energy company based in Palo Alto, California. The company specializes in electric vehicle manufacturing, battery energy storage from home to grid scale and, through its acquisition of SolarCity, solar panel and solar roof tile manufacturing

I wish people are not using unhealthy things to the environment because this the thing will tell us we are going to be alive in the future or not

Let's Know more about our environment:

4A Eyad Ayman.pptx

Our Ecological Footprint

I know the food why is the 2nd highest and we after eftar eat alot

Our Consumption

the grades is so good

I most like omar one's because i knew more about BMW and i love Tesla and BMW