Transportation Using Ethanol in Brazil

By : Hamza

From 1991 brazil started using ethanol fuel that’s made from sugarcane, because brazil was one of the neat less countries and she was called by one of the most disgusting countries, as now brazil is one of the neatest countries, brazil chosen ethanol because she wanted to be close from the environment

Most automobiles in Brazil run either on hydrous alcohol (E100) or on gasohol (E25 blend), as the mixture of 25% anhydrous ethanol with gasoline is mandatory in the entire country. Since 2003, dual-fuel ethanol flex vehicles that run on any proportion of hydrous ethanol and gasoline have been gaining popularity, in 2010, the U.S. EPA designated Brazilian sugarcane ethanol as an advanced biofuel due to its 61% reduction of total life cycle greenhouse gas emissions, including direct indirect land use change emissions.

Max who lived in Rio de Janeiro in 2016 he told people for renting a car there he had three options, a car with petrol or ethanol or diesel fuel, he told me that ethanol cars rental are more expensive than the others, however he selected the ethanol car because the ethanol is cheaper than other fuels and it’s more environmentally friendly, at the end of his trip he saved around 500$ from his car rental budget as brazil are supporting the use of this kind of fuel.

The future will be like Brazil and more like Singapore now, If the world be like those country.

Brazil fuel choises

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