The Daily Transport

Mining, drilling, and burning dirty energy are harming the environment and our health.

In their project, our Year 4 Learners made lots of effort to research how to embrace a clean energy future.

Vinegar Powered Car

In 2020, 8th of February, a Romanian citizen named Rosman Solen, of Gorlovka, invented a world-changing invention. This invention saved 98% of the patrol in the world, it was a car that used vinegar to move, it was also known as the vinegar powered car.

Could this car actually save all transportation usage?

So asked our amazing reporter Nour.


Transportation Using Ethanol in Brazil

Max who lived in Rio de Janeiro in 2016 he told people for renting a car there he had three options, a car with petrol or ethanol or diesel fuel, he told me that ethanol cars rental are more expensive than the others, however he selected the ethanol car because the ethanol is cheaper than other fuels and it’s more environmentally friendly.

Read more on using ethanol fuel in Brazil in the report written by our amazing reporter Hamza.

The BMW Electric Car

Last March, Emma Matson from America was designing a BMW electric car to stop wasting fuel. In the same time she wanted to make it the best BMW car in the world.

Will Emma succeed?

Read the amazing report written by our reporter Omar.


Tesla is an American electric vehicle and clean energy company based in Palo Alto, California. The company specializes in electric vehicle manufacturing, battery energy storage from home to grid scale and, through its acquisition of Solar City, solar panel and solar roof tile manufacturing.

Know more about the Tesla car from Eyad's exciting Report.

The new gas station

In August, 1885, in America, Sylvanus Bowser an American inventor came up with the first petrol machine in order to increase petrol and save transportation. He named it the self-measuring gas pump.

To know more about the new gas station, the amazing report written by our reporter Mona.

Save Fuel

Slowing down from 80 mph to 70 mph could save you up to 25% in fuel and if you are on smaller roads slowing down from 70 mph to 60 mph could save another 10%.

Nice facts to save fuel written by Rodaina.