Contact the FCC

Contact the FCC

Spectrum allocation and auctioning is a complex topic. However, if you believe that a portion of the cellular spectrum that is sold to service providers should be reserved for HALP, please consider contacting policymakers who can affect this process. Below we have some sample language you might consider using to reach them.

To learn more about how to submit a comment to the FCC, please visit

To whom it may concern,

As a user of the Internet for communications, I am concerned that an Internet-wide or localized service outage would disproportionately affect those in need during a time of crisis. I request the FCC reserve a small portion of any auctioned cellular frequencies for citizen-to-citizen ad hoc wireless mesh networks.

In an emergency situation, I am afraid to think about what would happen should primary communications networks go down. A wireless mesh network using cellular frequencies and mobile devices would create a powerful alternative in the event of system-wide communications outages. Most importantly it simply makes reuse of existing technology that we all already own without requiring additional investments in infrastructure. This is the only kind of network that actually gets stronger the more that people use it.

For more information on this topic, please visit

Thank you very much for your consideration.


Concerned Citizen