Note from Coach Prong

Thinking back on my time coaching Sydney I can describe her in one word. Dependable.

No matter what the situation is, you can depend on Syd.

Need something done and done to the best of her ability? Call Syd. Need someone to catch a younger pitcher 9th period? Call Syd.

Need someone to take down or set up equipment? Call Syd.

Need someone to give a younger player a ride? Call Syd. Need someone to lead by example? Syd.

Need someone to always give her best? Syd.

Need someone to show true leadership by putting the needs of her team before her own? Call Syd.

Through all of this, Syd has shown time after time that you can count on her. She has shown the younger players in our program what it means to be a part of this program and made an impact that will be felt for years to come. I am so proud to have been a small part of her career and am excited to watch her continue that career next year at D’Youville.