We are Aldersgate - a vibrant, inclusive Christian community growing in faith, love, health, and service located in Bellevue, WA. 

Aldersgate United Methodist Church resides on the unceded land of the Duwamish Tribe - the People of the Inside - what many know as King County. To learn more about and advocate for the federal recognition of the Duwamish Tribe’s people, culture, heritage, and land, please visit https://www.duwamishtribe.org/.

Coming Up

May 6th  - Lazy F Registration Deadline

May 18th - Youth Group (Tiny Homes/Gnome Trail)

May 24th through 26th - Lazy F Mission Weekend

Lazy F Mini-Mission Weekend


May 24th-26th

WHAT:  Join us for a fun family mini-mission trip.  There will be easy fix-it and cleaning projects, plus games, a campfire, singing and fun activities for all ages and abilities.

WHERE:  Lazy F, a Methodist camp, just outside of Ellensburg, WA, https://lazyfcamp.org/.

WHEN:  Over Memorial Day Weekend, arriving the evening of Friday, May 24th and departing before noon Sunday, May 26th.

COST:  The registration fee includes two nights lodging and five meals (Friday dinner through Sunday breakfast).  Food restrictions can be accommodated.

REGISTER:  For the registration form and instructions, CLICK HERE.  


PAYMENT:  To pay on-line, click here AUMC (Bellevue, WA) - Giving

 or you can write a check to AUMC with Lazy F on the memo line.


Lodging  Options:

Ridgeview  -  3 lower beds in each room.  Upper bunk bed available.  Two community bathrooms.  You need to bring bed linens/sleeping bag and towels.  Kitchenette in common space.


Registration fees are as follows:

$50 per person for adults over 18

$42.50 per person for youth ages 13 - 17

$37.50 per person for children ages 6 - 12

$25 per person for young children ages 3 - 5

Children under 2 are free

Skyline surcharge: $15 per person covers the 2 nights


Scholarships are available; all information will be kept confidential.

Turn in registration forms and checks to Livonia Lowe at 425-894-9053, dalowe1@juno.com or CJ in the Church Office, 425-746-9800, office@aldersgate-church.org.

Church Calendar

Check out our calendar for upcoming events and church activities!


Adult Ministry

Offers a diverse array of opportunities for adult education, discipleship, and fellowship.

Children & Family Ministry

Loving spaces for children and families to connect and grow in their faith in a safe environment.

Youth Ministry

Brave spaces for 6th - 12th Graders to know God, themselves, and others better with faith and fun. 

Music Ministry

Experiencing God through worship, with talents, passions, and sacred love for all types of music. 

Small Groups

Small Groups are a great way to stay motivated and build community beyond Sunday worship.

Mission & Service

Making a difference in the lives of others and in our community is woven into the fabric of our church.