Youth Pass Certificate

About Youthpass

Youthpass is a European recognition instrument for identifying and documenting learning outcomes that are acquired in projects under the Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps programs.

  • Youthpass promotes individual reflection and awareness about learning and helps to make learning outcomes visible for the learners themselves as well as for others.

  • It aims to reinforce reflective practices in youth work and solidarity activities, thereby enhancing their quality and recognition.

  • It also supports the continued pathways of young people and youth workers, and...

  • raises the visibility of the value of European engagement.

Structure of the certificate

The Youthpass certificates are specific to the various types of non-formal learning projects, but the general structure of the certificate is the same. The Youthpass certificate is divided into three sections.

The first page confirms the participation in a given project and lists the main facts about the project. It also provides background information about the general context and value of the activity. It has to be signed by a legal representative of the organization.

The second section informs about the project in more detail. The organizations in charge are mentioned, the aims, activities, and results of the project are described. This part of the certificate has to be signed by the person responsible for the project.

In the third section, participants reflect upon their learning and the outcomes. They are encouraged to describe what they have learned in the course of the project, adhering to the eight key competencies for lifelong learning. If applicable, a dialogue partner is also invited to sign the third section. There is neither a limitation to how much the participants are allowed to write, nor do they have to include every single competence.

Issue of the Youthpass

The Youthpass certificate is issued at the request of the project participant. Completion is voluntary by the participants of the project. The Coordinator of the project is responsible for filling out the first and the second page of the Youthpass. If you require the Youthpass, please contact the Coordinator.

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