E-learning Platform

Our E-learning Platform is already available! 

It will be used in the training of our Young Local Ambassadors (YLAs) in the learning centres / Country Info Points. The platform was created as an interactive instrument to engage young people and provide them with the best materials to strengthen democratic attitudes through civic engagement and civic participation.

The lessons include a total of 23 learning activities: case studies, videos with related questions, knowledge, or skills assessment tests for readers to reflect on. They also emphasize relevant skills such as communication, diplomacy, creativity, initiative and intercultural skills. 

The E-learning Platform is composed of three modules and each module has three lessons

Module 1: Diplomacy and International Relations: it aims to familiarise young people with the general concept of diplomacy and international relations on the international level, and notably on the European level.

Module 2: Diplomatic Skills for Young Local Ambassadors: it focuses on the competences and skills necessary for diplomacy and more precisely the soft skills for cultural diplomacy. It also provides practical examples and tools on cultural diplomacy.

Module 3: Active Engagement of the Youth Community in Diplomacy: it focuses on active participation of youth on the international and European level. It also offers comprehensive information on how young people can actively participate in democratic life and engage with local authorities and policymakers.

Click here to explore our E-learning Platform