National event in Spain

Interarts organized the PACIFY-D multiplier event in Barcelona, Spain, on 26 March 2024 in partnership with Eurolocal and with the support of the Centre d’Estudis i Recursos Culturals – CERC of the Diputació de Barcelona. The title of the event was “Young diplomacy, and instrument to promote active European citizenship” and it was structured in two parts: a first part with the presentation of the PACIFY-D project and outcomes; and a second part with a round table with the participation of representatives of youth organisations, followed by a discussion with the participants.

The representatives of the youth organisations at the round table, moderated by Joaquím Millan of Eurolocal, were: Aina Sánchez de Rojas, from Joventuts Federalistes de Catalunya; Gerard Álvarez, from Equipo Europa; and, Ada Font, from The three youth organizations are committed to fostering the visibility of the European Union towards young people. They had all taken part in previous PACIFY-D activities in Barcelona. We highlight the following contributions:

Aina Sánchez de Rojas: “We need young diplomts to foster positive global change”
Gerard Álvarez: “On 9 June, we cannot fail: we need to be creative to ensure a high turnover”
Ada Font: “Europe is a project of solidarity that has given us peace an prospertity”
Joaquim Millan, Eurolocal: “I am proud of such committed young people who work for a better EU”.