
StopHateAB has developed or been a contributor to many resources over the years.

CAMP Stephen - 2024-CC amendment February.pdf

Incorporating a Standalone Hate Crime Section into the Criminal Code of Canada

AHCC- 2019-2022 Report Infographics+Summary.pdf

Victimized Community Perceptions About Hate Crimes and Incidents in Alberta: A 2019-2022 Analysis (Infographics and Summary report)

AHCC- Victimized Community Perceptions Report - Apr 5 2023.pdf

Victimized Community Perceptions About Hate Crimes and Incidents in Alberta: A 2019-2022 Analysis


Hate Crime Legislative Policy: A Comparative Analysis between the UK and Canada


Supporting Victims of Hate Crimes & Incidents A Community-Center Approach

This document accompanies the Supporting Victims of Hate Crime: A Community-Centered Approach workshop. You will find information, case studies, reflections, and resources in it.


CCE Response Model to Hate Incidents in Alberta

The Response Model for Hate Incidents in Alberta is an initiative led by the Alberta Coalitions Creating Equity (CCE) and funded by the Alberta Human Rights Education and Multiculturalism Fund. The five municipalities of the CCE (Wood Buffalo, Edmonton, Red Deer, Calgary, and Lethbridge) worked together to develop a mechanism for effectively responding to incidents of hate. This model was informed by a provincial-wide survey and various regional focus groups and community engagements. 


A Guide to Bystander Intervention

AHCC Community Resource Toolkit 2012.pdf

Beyond Hate: A Resource Toolkit Building A Community Response Plan To Counter Hate

This toolkit and the resources herein are designed to help communities address hate as it arises in their community. It is designed to help community partners identify what hate is, what laws exist, and how it can be addressed through concrete community action, education, prevention and partnerships. It also contains information on how we, as individuals and as collectives, can protect youth and individuals targeted by hate activity. 

This toolkit offers step-by-step suggestions for responding to hate and preparing a strategy and plan of action in your community to create inclusive and welcoming neighbourhoods for all citizens. Find out what others are doing, adopt innovative practices and learn about different events that can be held to counter hate.

Alberta Hate Crime Report 2009.pdf

Alberta Hate/Bias Crime Report

This report explores the incidence of hate crime in communities across Alberta and some of the definitional and data collection issues that impact our ability to understand the scope and nature of hate and bias crime and activity in our province. An overview of hate crime legislation is provided as well as the impact of hate crimes on communities and the experiences of victims and communities targeted by hate crimes. It is clear from an examination of successful prosecutions and a closer look at the groups targeted by perpetrators of hate that a more coordinated and integrated approach to hate crimes is required across the province. This will necessitate a partnership between communities, policing agencies and justice officials. This partnership is needed not only to ensure that hate crimes are reported, responded to appropriately, and recorded to establish trend data but also to ensure that all Albertans, including members of policing and justice agencies, have the education, training and tools they need to recognize and address hate crime and incidents in our communities. Recommendations are made in several areas, including a proposal to amend the criminal code to make it easier to prosecute hate-motivated crime perpetrators.

Alberta Hate crime report.pdf

Combating Hate and Bias Crime and Incidents in Alberta - A Current Responses and Recommendation For The Future

This report was commissioned by the Alberta Hate and Bias Crime and Incidents Committee (now known as Alberta Hate Crimes Committee) in December 2006 to determine the status of hate and bias crimes within Alberta. The Alberta Association of Chiefs of Police has actively participated in this committee and supports its research and findings. The study and conclusions articulate the need for appropriate hate and bias prevention and enforcement responses by all governments serving Albertans.

Hate Crime Activities Guide.pdf

Alberta Hate Crimes Awareness Day - Activity Guide 

Hate crime is a “message crime” designed to strike fear into the heart of a community. These crimes attack democracy, marginalize human rights, and erode multiculturalism; hate crimes are oppressive to all communities and societies. Hate Crime Awareness Day invites individuals, businesses, schools and communities to rally to communicate that hate crime will not be tolerated in their community. We invite you to help us mark and celebrate this important day by organizing an event, discussion, or activity in your community.

CC Amendment - CAMP - 2023August07.pdf

Incorporating a Standalone Hate Crime Section into the Criminal Code of Canada

Hate Crime Trauma Informed Care- A Transdisciplinary Approach.pdf

Hate Crime Trauma Informed Care: A Transdisciplinary Approach

Calgary Wide Org Chart Re Victims of Hate (1).pdf

Calgary Services for Victims of Hate Crimes and Incidents

AHCC_Brochure - Break Through 2010.pdf

 Break Through - Report Hate Crime