Team EWOK #24197

First Tech Challenge Team sponsored by Google and ORTOP

Memorial Middle School, Albany Oregon


Memorial formed its first ever First Tech Challenge Robotics Team, where a team can strategize, design and build a large robot to compete against other robots from around the state in league play tournaments. Team EWOK has met twice a week for 2 hours after school on Mondays and Thursdays through the CENTERSTAGE competition season. We had a very successful season making it beyond league play to the Second Chance Tournament.

Now that we have finished our season, we are still meeting on Mondays after school in room D-4 with the hope of making even better robots, learning new skills, and sharing what we have learned. Specifically we have goals of learning how to use sensors, use CAD software for robot design, and program in Javascript. At the competitions we saw all the cool robots used mecanum wheels that let the robot move in any direction without turning. We have the parts and are building it. Those who might be interested in being part of our team can contact Mr. Bright.

The theme for the 2023-24 FIRST Tech Challenge is CENTERSTAGE.

FIRST Tech Challenge students learn to think like engineers. Teams of up to 15 members in grades 7-12 design, build, and code robots to compete in an alliance format against other teams. Robots are built from a reusable platform, powered by Android technology, and can be coded using a variety of levels of Java-based programming.

The competitive season begins in mid-September when the new game theme is revealed. Students showcase their work at league meets and tournaments in December through February, followed by a championship tournament in March.


Gracious Professionalism® Heh!

With Gracious Professionalism, fierce competition and mutual gain are not separate notions. Gracious professionals learn and compete like crazy but treat one another with respect and kindness in the process. They avoid treating anyone like losers. No chest thumping tough talk, but no sticky-sweet platitudes either. Knowledge, competition, and empathy are comfortably blended. 


Team EWOK is in the Mid-Western League.

The FIRST Robotics team SWARM 957 has invited the team to be a part of outreach events and team meetings. We have transferred a core set of robotics parts over to the SWARM hive at WAHS for team members to keep on learning, planning, and building.