5. Submit Data

There are four ways to submit data. We prefer to have data submitted electronically (methods 1 or 2) but if that is not practical, "old-style" (methods 3 and 4) is fine too!

1. Collect data on paper in the field and submit electronically via this website.

In this method you collect data in the field on a sheet of paper but then enter the numbers on our website.

NEW data entry and visualization system -- click the link below!

Data Observation Form


Here is a video tutorial on how to enter data in the online data entry system.

2. Collect data on paper in the field, scan and email.

This method uses the same paper datasheets as Method 2, but you just scan them and email them to Christa Mulder at cpmulder@alaska.edu.

3. Collect data on paper in the field and mail.

This method uses the same paper datasheets as Method 2, but you just mail them to: Christa Mulder, Institute of Arctic Biology, PO Box 7000, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK 99775.