Hosting a Berry Family Night
Celebrate your Winterberry Citizen Science effort with a berry family night or community event. Share your data, stories, and comparisons with other Winterberry sites your their community. Project your berry pie graphs on the wall or make a poster of your data through time to display.
Serve berry snacks, play berry games with berry themed prizes, and make berry crafts.
Ideas and materials for a berry celebration are below.

Activity Stations for Berry Family Night or Community Event
Berry Storytelling
Guests share their own berry stories and create a felt symbol of thier story to place on the Alaskan landscape of stories. Stories are shared during the event, and imagine how they might be different if the climate had been different.
Activity developed by the Winterberry Project.
Berry Bingo
Try your hand at identifying the berry conditions monitored in the Winterberry Project through bingo and win berry themed prizes!
Activity developed by the Winterberry Project.
Berry Basket Dyes
Guests view grass basket designs that were made using berry dyes, then pain their own designs.
Activity shared by UAF Museum of the North.
Berry Bracelets
Create an Alaskan berry bracelet using beads.
Activity shared by UAF Museum of the North.
Berries of Alaska ID Guide
Create an identification guide for common berries across Alaska.
Activity shared by UAF Museum of the North.
Berry Recipe Book
Guests assemble a berry cookbook and add their own special recipes to the collection.
Activity shared by UAF Museum of the North.
Berry Snacks!
Provide berry-themed snacks or have a berry potluck to celebrate your group's Winterberry Citizen Science and learning.