LS 111: Library Information Literacy for E-Learners


Each week, you will have a set of short video lectures to watch, some additional material to read or watch, and an activity to complete. The final weeks will also include two culminating assignments: a bibliography on your research topic and a short research reflection. Each week builds on the previous week’s work, so it is important to complete the work in order.

Grading Criteria

Grading is done by letter grade and weighted as follows:

  • Pre-assessment: 5 points

  • Weekly Activities: 70 points total

    • Weeks 1-6 (10 points each)

    • Weeks 7-8 (5 points each)

  • Bibliography for your research topic: 10 points

  • Research process reflection: 10 points

  • Post-assessment: 5 points

Total possible = 100 points

Grade percentage = Points earned / 100

Blue and white checkmark inside a blue circle

Grade Scale

94-100% = A

90-93% = A-

87-89% = B+

84-86% = B

80-83% = B-

77-79% = C+

74-76% = C

70-73% = C-

67-69% = D+

64-66% = D

60-63% = D-

below 60% = F

Checking Your Grades

The Essentials:

  • I will do my best to grade your work and post the grade and feedback to Blackboard in a timely manner (usually within 2 days of submission).

  • You can check your grades and feedback using the My Grades section of our Blackboard course site. I use a standard rubric for grading weekly activities.

  • Please read the feedback - I will give you tips to help you on your next assignment and advice on how to revise your current assignment, if needed.

  • The screenshot below shows you how to navigate your My Grades information:

    • Your grade in progress will be listed as "Grade so far." This will change to "Final Grade" once the course is complete.

    • Assignment names are links. Click on the name/link to view your submission and any embedded feedback.

    • Click on the "View Rubric" link to see your rubric score for an assignment.

    • Individual scores appear across from the assignment name. If there is a speech bubble icon by the score, that means I have given you feedback. Click on the speech bubble icon to see the feedback (this is really important to do).

Screenshot of My Grades area of Blackboard. Highlighted items are "Grade so Far," scores for individual assignments, comment bubbles next to scores which you click to see feedback, "View rubric" link, and linked assignment titles (which allow you to see your submission, along with any embedded comments)